Writing Resources from Rene

This organization, run by Chris and Gena Maselli, continues to be one of the leaders in serving writers, from courses to blogs to podcasts to individual help, serious writers should consider making Writing Momentum one of their first stops. The warm, friendly and substantially informed environment will get you quickly on your way toward your project or learning new writing skills.  Don’t forget to check out Writing Moments, where you’ll find a fun writing community plus additional help.


Located in Oklahoma City, this annual writing conference serves both the Christian and General markets.  It is held over Labor Day weekend every year.  Affordable and diverse in classes offered, this is a conference you won’t want to miss.  Click the link for info on speakers and classes.


Additional Highly Recommended Resources from Rene:

Writer’s Digest

The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott

Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell